Year 5 Friday 2nd October

Happy FriYAY Year 5!

A huge well done to all of you for completing this week of remote learning. You have worked super hard and you have managed to achieve much of the work that we would have been looking at in class. 

Next week, 5KS will return to school on Monday 5th October (Mrs Sheppard and Mrs Millar are VERY excited to welcome you back!) 5MS will continue to use this website every day, focusing on the same tasks that 5KS will be doing in school.

We will upload a homework sheet today with some online tasks for you to complete, based around spelling and maths practise from work that we have done this week. These do not need to be completed in your books. However, do spend some time this weekend, using the suggested tools to solidify your knowledge.

As always, please watch the introduction video that we have posted, as this gives you an overview of the day's tasks. There are also Maths and English videos today, to support you with the tasks provided. 

We look forward to receiving lots of emails from you, with beautifully presented work!

Have a great day!

Mr Stanton and Mrs Sheppard

Files to Download

Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Mrs J Maddock | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email:

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson