Owls visit Year 2!
Lesson: English
Class: Year 2 Year: 2023 - 2024
We loved finding out lots of information about owls from Paul from Horus Prey. We learnt some owls are nocturnal and these owls have black eyes. Some are diurnal; these owls like to hunt in the day and they have yellow eyes. Crepuscular owls come out at dawn and dusk and have orange eyes. We learnt that owls are predators and have talons to catch their prey and we saw how owls can camouflage to hide. Paul taught us this rhyme: eyes to the front it's time to hunt, eyes to the side, it's time to hide.
Fun Fact! Owls have double the number or neck bones than a giraffe and that's how they turn their neck 270 degrees.
We even got to hold a white faced owl!