School Council
Spring Term 2025
Our School Council met to review the suggestions put forward by pupils in their classes through our Suggestion Boxes.
Ingredients for school lunch meals displayed - we discussed how safety and personal diet is important in school and clarified that any allergies are carefully catered for as well as dietary choices. Different coloured trays are used to ensure that pupils are provided with food that meet any dietary requirements.
Lights around mirrors - discussion around lighting in the toilets. It was decided that we do not need additional lighting but that mirrors may need a wipe during very cold weather.
Sherwood's Got Talent - Pupils currently have many opportunities to perform in year groups and we also have our Perfoming Arts competition. However, some pupils would like the opportunity to choose an individual or small group performance as part of a Talent Show. School Council are to gain feedback of opinions from their class and bring to the next meeting.
PE Kit for a normal school day - we discussed how although we like to wear our PE Kit on some days, we do not want to lose our Sherwood uniform.
KS2 Playground adaptations to provision discussed including tweaks to 4 Square rules, adventure trail provision, time on the running track. Miss Barrett to explore.
Year 6 door monitors choosing partners - Miss Barrett to speak to Mr Hudson.
Thank you School Council for a productive meeting. Minutes and actions to be shared with classes by Council. Any feedback to be brought to our next meeting.
Autumn Term 2024
Our new School Council Team met for the first time. We all introduced ourselves and Miss Barrett welcomed us all to the team. We explored the role of our School Council and shared some of the developments the council have been involved with over recent times, including the development of the playground activity trail. We looked at two examples of Suggestion Boxes that are currently in class and our new Councillors were set their first task of providing their class with a new suggestion box for this year.
Our first topic for discussion this year is the most important of all; our safety. We discussed how this includes our emotional as well as physical safety. The council all agreed that they feel safe in school and gave reasons why, including: Teachers and staff, fire drill, gates are locked, lockdown drill, staff make us feel safe to get things wrong in our work, adventure trail is supervised and organised with numbers limited, if people are mean we go to an adult who listens to all sides and sorts things out with us, crossing patrol, one way system not too congested and don’t crash into others around corners, staff on trips, equipment at Tower Wood, first aid kits , friends are there for you. We move around school sensibly, hold doors, left side walking don't run, leave Assembly in lines, school rules, British Values.
We discussed some suggestions from the boxes for Miss Barrett to explore: More balls for scoops would be great, Sherwood’s Got Talent, doodle book. more time to play after Year 5 hot dinners, more slips for suggestion boxes and can anyone sit in the quiet area of the adventure trail!
It is great to hear lots of suggestions, that we all feel safe in school and that we can always go to someone who will help us. A wonderful start to the year Councillors with some super suggestions!
Summer Term 2024
Our School Council Team met together on the playground today (03/05/2024). We reviewed two plans for our Key Stage 2 playground development. One plan kept some of the trees on the mound and made a slight saving on cost. We considered the condition of the ground in the area and impact of the overall development on the trees (movement of vehicles/root damage). We had one strong tree ambassador in the group, but overall it was decided that keeping the trees would result in another significant cost in the future. We agreed to move forward with the original plan that includes a timber stack climbing frame. Our School council considered various fundraising ideas and agreed on a plan to promote a sponsored family fun run in June. Our representatives will make posters to promote the event and all agreed that they wanted water cannons around the course! Thank you to our wonderful group of School Councillors, it is such a pleasure to hear your discussions!
Spring Term Secoind Half 2024
Tuesday 20th February
Our Team of School Councillors met today to review the responses to their playground questionnaire. We asked all children across School for ideas for the redevelopment of our KS2 Mounds. There were lots of responses and ideas. A climbing frame and swinging logs were very popular choices from the questionnaire. There were not many responses to the idea of a quiet zone but we think this is due to the excitement of new equipment on the junior yard. There was one suggestion about creating a reading zone. We thought the outside area of BASE could be used more at playtime and lunchtime. This could include the picnic benches off the mound and a outdoor book box. We all loved this idea. Mrs Lumb to speak to Miss Terrell and ask the Reading Champions to lead on this.
Mrs Lumb to meet with playground designers and then share the designs with School Councillors. School Councillors to share in class and gain feedback.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the questionnaire.
Spring Term 2024
Our School Council met to share ideas in the suggestion boxes. The focus for the discussions today was the redevelopment of our KS2 mound area on the playground. The floor surface has become unsuitable for use over time and there is no division between this area and other parts of the playground. There were a number of ideas shared already in the suggestion boxes and these were shared and discussed by the group. Children have shared the following ideas:
Stepping Stones
Artifical grass
Improved climbing wall, possibly a new climbing wall
Swings and slides
The idea of a course or a trail
Fence off the area for safety
Our School Councillors will now carry out a class survey in class and gather the views of each child in school. This is an exciting project and everyone is very excited to raise further funds and generate ideas for new designs.
In other business, we discussed using BASE for Prayer if children would like to have a space for Prayer during lunchtime.
Such a wonderful group of representative who are all confident to share, discuss and challenge each others ideas. Well done all! Mrs Lumb
Autumn Term 2023
Mrs Lumb welcomed and congratulated our newly elected members of our School Council. We talked about the role of all our pupil voice representatives at Sherwood and how our members represent the 'voice' of all children in School. It is therefore important to gather the views and ideas of all children in each class. We discussed ways of doing this and agreed that all members would create a suggestion box for their classroom. Our Year 6 representatives will ensure that there are plenty of suggestions slips in each class and Mrs Lumb will remind everyone in assembly about ticking the correct pupil voice box on each slip, so the suggestion goes to the correct forum.
A big focus for our School Council this year will be to gather ideas for the redevelopment of our Junior Mounds. The children were asked to return to class to invite suggestions through our suggestion boxes.
Summer Term Second Half 2023
Our School Council met on Friday 23rd June to discuss Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in our school. We now have a new Sherwood Banner, joining our Banners of Faith in the hall, celebrating Non-Religious World Views. We discussed characteristics which are protected by Equality Law and how our Sherwood family work together to ensure nobody in our school community experiences prejudice or discrimination because of their gender, race, religion or family make-up. We all agreed that if there were to be incidents where prejudice was apparent, we would all take responsibility to 'call this out' and report to an adult so that it would be stopped. We shared examples of times when diversity is celebrated and respected and we all felt proud to be part of an inclusive and diverse community.
Summer Term First Half 2023
Our School Council representatives met with additional children from each class. We joined together to discuss our multi-faith diverse school community, including members of our community with no religious beliefs. We would like to create a new banner to display in our hall that represents No Religious Views. The children came up with a wealth of ideas to represent caring for others, love, following different paths, the World and something to represent knowledge. We drew a range of symbols to represent the shared values of friendship, love and kindness across all the World Faiths and Non Religious Views. Thank you to all the children who participated and were so open in their discussions and questions.
Spring Term Second Half 2023
Our School Council met on Monday 27th March to discuss ideas to celebrate the forthcoming Coronation of King Charles III. We all discussed ideas and how lovely it would be come together as a whole School to celebrate. Mrs Lumb to speak to Kirsty in the kitchen about a special lunch. We also discussed the idea of a Coronation Parade, showcasing the events of the day and the people involved. We talked about wearing our best clothes, cultural or Religious outfits to celebrate our multi-cultural school and society. This is a suggestion that we have kept revisiting during meetings and now we have the perfect occasion! We thought it would be lovely to invite parents and carers invited to watch the Coronation Parade (thank you Y3 for the suggestion) and we would sing songs to celebrate.
Mrs Lumb to consider a Coronation keepsake for each child and liaise with the PTA to support.
Spring Term 2023
Our School Council met on 27th January 2023. The theme for this meeting this half term was Pupil Safety.
We discussed the NSPCC Assemblies delivered in class last week. The children talked in small groups about the people they could talk to at home and in School if they felt unsafe. The children were all able to give examples. The children were also able to give examples of abuse and all recalled the NSPCC contact number: 0800 1111
We discussed safety at School and speaking out against any forms of bullying or discrimination. Mrs Lumb challenged the School Council representatives to keep the message 'Speak Out, Stay Safe' alive in their classrooms.
The children requested a place in class where concerns could be shared. Mrs Lumb agreed that this was a good idea and children could include their names on their worry notes or keep anonymous if preferred. Mrs Lumb to arrange a Worry Monster or Worry Box for each class.
We spent time going through the suggestion boxes. The children requested the return of fruit juice as a lunch option on a Friday. Mrs Lumb questionned if Kirsty was able to purchase juice due to sugar content. We discussed alternatives, such as flavoured milk. Our Year 6 representatives went to explore this with Kirsty, who confirmed that she can source reduced sugar juice and flavoured milk. This would be planned into the menu. Well done Year 6!
There was also a suggestion for children to have the opportunity to wear their cultural or religious clothes to school on one day. We all loved the idea and considered how this could be inclusive for all groups at Sherwood. Mrs Lumb suggested that this could be part of our 'Dress to Impress' day on the day of our Film Festival. The School Council agreed that this was a good idea and look forward to the return of the film festival in 2023.
Autumn Term 2022
Our School Council met on Friday 18th November 2022. As this was the first meeting of the academic year, our representatives introduced themselves to each other. Our representatives have created suggestion boxes for each class and a number of suggestions had already been received from pupils across the School. Our Councillors met in small groups to review suggestions from pupils across the school and then presented the ideas to the whole group:
A fundraising PJ Day - Mrs Lumb suggested that we link this to fundraising in 2023.
An opportunity to perform - Mrs Lumb suggested that children volunteer to lead assemblies and could use this as an opportunity to perform a play.
Pet Day - we discussed the hazards associated with bringing animals into School.
Teacher Day: It was suggested that Year 6 children dress up as Teachers and deliver lessons to children across the School. Mrs Lumb suggested that we review the suggestion closer to the end of the Academic Year.
Dress to Impress Day: We talked about the Film Festival of 2019 and reintroducing this for 2023. This will give us all the opportunity to dress up. Mrs Lumb agreed to arrange this again and challenged all classes to create a film for 2023.
We also discussed lasting change and talking to our classes about suggestions that make a lasting change to life and learning at Sherwood. One example of this was our Running Track and our pupil lockers. These had all come from School Council ideas.
Thank you for a productive meeting. Mrs Lumb
Summer Term Second Half 2022
Our School Council were informed that we have achieved the Silver Artsmark Award in the Summer Term. Mrs Brown outlined the achievements that we have made in the Arts and the main events that we have held involving our School community of pupils, parents, staff and governors. Our School Council Team agreed to feed this information back to their classes.
Mrs Brown asked the children to define the ‘Arts’ and which subjects they include. This is our Arts Offer. We talked about how we offer enriching experiences within our cultural curriculum and the themes. These include visits to galleries, museums, theatres, nature reserves, historical sites, geography field trips that broaden children’s arts and cultural experiences. Mrs Brown explained who Arts Council England are and their 7 Quality Principles that we strive towards as a school. They are:
- Striving for excellence and innovation
- Being authentic
- Being exciting, inspiring and engaging
- Ensuring a positive and inclusive experience
- Actively involving children and young people
- Enabling personal progression
- Developing belonging and ownership
We discussed the idea of creating Arts Journalists and contributing towards a half-termly Arts and Culture Newsletter. The children also shared their desire to further explore 3D work with Clay and Photography. Mrs Brown agreed to work with the class teachers to embed these opportunities into our Curriculum offer at Sherwood.
Summer Term First Half 2022
Our School Council met today with Mr Stanton, our Y5 teacher and Forest School Leader. Our School Council representatives shared ideas from the class suggestion boxes on the theme of outdoor learning. Our representative had carried out a class survey on playground markings and Mr Stanton would pass these to Mrs Lumb.
All children talked positively about the Sherwood environment and our responsibility to look after it together. Both Year 5 and 6 Council members referred to using the Forest School area whilst in their current year groups and were able to describe the skills developed.
All children had memories of Forest School/Outdoor learning in Year 1 which included building dens and campfire.
Year 2 have been on Bug hunts outside this year – linked into Science non-negotiables for identifying a number of British invertebrates.
All children very keen to improve the provision of Forest school projects. Activities to be improved included Knife skills in Year 6 as enjoyed doing this in Year 5, to include some element of carving for a purpose.
All children keen to improve the nature of cooking skills over an open fire developing from KS1 up to UKS2.
Enhancement of the environment – Children were very keen to improve the environment especially for the wildlife; Bird houses, Hedgehog friendly, Bug Hotels, Wild Flowers. Mr Stanton to look at Awards and organisations that might be able to help or add input.
Suggestion from year 6, following on from the previous year, of a night outside on the school grounds.
Finally, the children talked about having an additional Outdoor/indoor space for learning.
Spring Term Second Half 2022
10th March 2021: Our School Council met today to discuss ideas for new playground markings. Our playground markings on our Infant Yard require updating and enhancements to the Junior yard were also considered. Our children went back to class to carry out a survey and will feedback the children's views to Mrs Lumb at the end of the half term.
Spring Term First Half 2022
The School Council met to discuss learning at Sherwood and the Sherwood Curriculum. The suggestion boxes were full of great ideas and feedback.
Sherwood Curriculum
Y5 suggestion boxes included the desire to include more drama as it is very engaging. Y5 talked about their Oliver Twist drama work and described how it brought their learning 'to life'. Mrs Lumb explained that the teachers have recently had drama training and it's great to hear examples of it being used in the classrooms. As a class, Mrs Lumb advised that children and teachers look together at where drama could be used across the curriculum.
Writing non-fiction - Y5 suggestion boxes also includes idea to further explore non fiction writing. We discussed planning World Book Day around the theme of non-fiction. For example, you could dress up as an animal, astronaut, chef, planet - linked to our favourite non-fiction texts. Mrs Lumb agreed to share the idea with Miss Terrell and Mrs Sheppard. Mrs Lumb suggested talking about possible dressing up ideas for World Book Day on a non-fiction theme in class.
Spanish is a language that the children in Y6 are interested to learn. Mrs Lumb explained that French is our chosen language to teach at Sherwood. Mrs Lumb to discuss if a Spanish club would be possible for Y6 with Miss Hough. This is already delivered for another year group.
We discussed our subjects at Sherwood and how tricky it can be to squeeze everything into the timetable. History and Geography are subjects that are enjoyed and there was a suggestion by a Y6 pupil to learn specific countries in greater detail.
There was a suggestion for an Art day at Sherwood. Mrs Lumb shared an update on the 2022 Arts Challenge linked to our A-Z of Creativity. The School Council suggested one day in the summer when everyone could work on one of the challenges.
We discussed reading at Sherwood and that over the day, there are opportunities to read in all areas of the curriculum, assemblies etc. 30 minutes of reading across.
Any Other Business
We agreed 1 more week of collecting games for wet play boxes to support our Green pledge of re-use. HS Y5 representative suggested that we do not buy plastic boxes but we recycle boxes from School deliveries to store games in for wet play.
IH Y6 representative discussed football at lunchtime: Football at lunchtime is now a possibility again as space has improved with the new timetable.
Following a suggestion for more sculptures on School site, Mrs Lumb agreed to contact the Mason Wood Carver to get some costs for sculptures in the School grounds.
Step by step drawing videos were also suggested for wet play activities.
Another productive meeting - thank you to all children for their suggestions.
Autumn 2021
Safety at Sherwood
Our School Council representatives have focussed their discussion on Safety this term and gathered children's views on safety in school and on the playground. The following feedback had been gathered:
- School cares.
- We have great friends.
- School is protective.
- There are a lot of people and staff to keep us safe.
- Teachers help and supervise.
- Whenever you are outside the teachers protect you.
- You can’t talk to strangers because there are gates and they protect you.
- Everyone around you is kind so you feel protected.
- No because someone could climb the fence and get into School. No because some people look through the gates.
- There are lots of people you can trust.
- Teachers always make sure your guardian is picking you up.
- There are fire drills in case of emergency.
- The School is very protected.
- The teachers make sure you get home safely.
- The teacher always make sure you are healthy.
- There is always protection.
Some children raised concern that there are lots of thorns and nettles in the forest school area. We discussed our woodland area and the presence of thorns and nettles. Mrs Lumb has ensured that the significant thorny branches have been removed from the infant yard. We discussed the plants where we need to be cautious, when in any woodland area including Sherwood Woodland. Thorns for example, could be Blackberry bushes and many of us love Blackberry and Apple crumble!
One of our Y2 representatives suggested a bell should ring if we all need to come inside. Mrs Lumb explained that we do have a lockdown drill and agreed that we need to practise our Lockdown Drill this term. The School Council discussed the reasons why is may be safer to come inside school: road accident, stray dog.
We talked about speaking to an adult on duty if there should be anything that causes concern and our School Council representatives are going to remind all children that we must not speak to anyone over fence, even if we know that person.
Our School Council representatives stated that they are not aware of any bullying at SHerwood but our Year 6 representaive stated that this doesn’t mean that there isn’t any or that there may be some in the future. Our representatives came up with the following top tips to share with each class (linked to Anti-Bullying Week 2021):
- Before you act in an unkind way, think how you would feel if you switch roles (Hanna Y5)
- Speak to a trusted adult (Maddie Y2)
- Explain to the person that they are hurting your feelings (Izzy Y6)
- Try not to retaliate back but speak to a trusted adult (Hannah Y6)