BASE Booking
2024-25 Academic Year Booking Form
We are now inviting bookings for BASE Breakfast Club and After School Club for the 2024-25 Academic Year. Please complete the online form by clicking here. All parents of children, including those currently attending BASE, are required to complete the booking form - one per child please. If your child is not currently attending BASE, or you require a change to the sessions that your child currently accesses, please complete the form and your request will be reviewed based on available capacity.
Following parental feedback, booking is now for the whole academic year (previously you were required to book each term) and we will assume that your requirements remain the same unless informed otherwise.
Places will be allocated in due course with confirmation emailed to the address you provide on the form during the week beginning 8th July 2024. We endeavour to fulfil as many requests as possible however if a session is oversubscribed we may have to operate a waiting list, if this is the case you will be informed as soon as possible. Please complete the form by 5.00pm Wednesday 3rd July 2024 - we will not accept any requests after this date. If you no longer require a place, please confirm via the booking form so places can be allocated to other families.
Payment for BASE must be made half termly in advance through ParentPay or Childcare Vouchers.
For any further enquiries, please contact Mr. Quirk
Thank you