Sports Council

Spring 1st January 2025

Suggestions from Classes 

Some chiuldren shared suggestions from class suggestion boxes.

Winter Sports Day – One child suggested a Winter Sports Day.  We discussed what winter sports there's are (skiiing, kurling etc).  We discussed the costing for these activities and the council agreed that this was not a plausible suggestion.  

Bigger footballs for break times – One child suggested 'normal sized footballs' to be used at break times.  SR explained that due to the amount of children on the yard at this time, we are unable to use bigger balls in this instance.

More sport at lunchtimes – One child suggested for there to be more sporting activities at lunchtimes.  ASgain we discussed the amoutn of children on the yard at this time and discussed all the different sports already taking place.  We discussed as a council ways of encouraging our friends into playing the games already set up. Council agreed they would support heir class mates in this.  

Sports courses – One child suggested (asked) if teachers go on Sports courses.  SR explained that every teacher is given taking throughout the year and that recently they all took part in a gymnastics teaching and learning update.  I asked if the children felt there had been any changes to their gymnastics sessions this week (if they had one).  Children agreed that the gymnastics sessions were 'more fun' and that they included 'harder' activities and the vault.  SR explained that this is just one example of how teachers are trained in teaching Sports and how this makes changes to the curriculum and their learning.  


A thank you for Rugby Kits

The children shared their 'thank you' letters for Mr Ali who supported school in order to buy a new rugby kit this year.  These letters will be sent to Mr Ali once the new kit had been worn as a gesture of our appreciation.  


Sporting Competitions

SR shared how sports competitions work at Sherwood.  We discussed how we enter events to win and childrne are chosen for the events on merit but that by the end of their time at Sherwood, ALL children will have had the opportunity to represent their school in a sporting competition.  Children asked if we could take B teams to all competitions also.  We discussed that indeed in some events, we do take two teams but that the logistics (transport and money) implications prevents us from taking B teams to every event.  We discussed how proud we were of teh amoutn of sports wer do at Sherwood! 


Autumn 1st November 2024

Welcome to the Sports Council

Mrs Raw welcomed the children into their new roles as sports’ councillors.  SR explained what the role entails.  We explored how we are going to help support the improvement of sport and PE at Sherwood.  How we will be role models to the other children at Sherwood, supporting them in making correct choices with regards to sport, helping to sort equipment also. 

All children were excited to be part of the sports council and agreed they would share with their classmates, any updates when needed.  They will encourage their classmates to put suggestions into the class suggestion box to bring to the next meeting.  


New Sherwood Rugby Kits

Mrs Raw introduced the new rugby kits to the sports council.  These have been sponsored by Mr Ali from Autotrader.  The children were astounded with the quality of the new kits and appreciated how much better theses will be for the children who represent Sherwood. The children wanted to say Thank you to Mr Ali.  We agreed the children will each write a little Thank you note to Mr Ali representing their class. 

The children also mentioned that they feel next year we could possibly get kits for KS1 events as currently the new kits are all KS2 sizes.  SR agreed and this will be thought about if we are offered sponsorship next year.  


Suggestion Boxes

The suggestion box process was explained to the children and they will ensure their classmates are putting suggestions into the boxes, ready for next meeting.

Badminton/Table Tennis Club – Children would like the set up of a badminton/table tennis club.  We do have the facilities and equipment.  SR explained this will be explored when the next cycle of enrichment is organised. 

Play ground equipment – Children suggested that the footballs are break need replacing.  SR suggested that they probably just need pumping up.  Children agreed.  SR explained that sports councillors should ensure that their class football is pumped up and if not to bring it in to be done.  Children said there are no balls for the scoops left.  SR to bury some more.  SR explained that the sports councillors must ensure that their classmates are using the equipment appropriately and shadow them the areas in the playground to use them, ensuring they do not keep going onto the roof.  


Summer - 26th April 2024

Fun Run for the KS2 Playgound

S Raw discussed the idea Mrs Lumb had suggested about a fun run to raise money for the new KS2 playground equipment.  The children were very excited by this idea and gave their suggestions:

Year 6 selling things on stalls.  Sponsorship. Bean bag games for younger children.  Selling balloons.  Selling sweets.  Selling cold drinks.

More discussions will be made about the arrangements at a closer date.

More Active PE sessions

A suggestion was made in our last meeting for ‘more active PE sessions’.  We had previously discussed this and wanted to hear more feedback from everyone in classes. 

Here were the responses from the sports council asking their peers.

-        Team theme are pushing us.

-        They make the games fun – brilliant ideas. 

-        They teach you about the sport by showing us the skills.

-        Productive with their ideas.  We want to do it, they make us want to do the sport. 

-        We play a game they taught us at playtimes.

-        They make it fun and make us want to do it.

-        They teach us the game and then help us with the game and they tell us what we need to do to improve. 

-        We sweat in our lessons, it makes us all hot.

-        Teachers point out what we are doing wrong.

It was agreed that as a sports council, we believe we have active sessions for PE.

Breaktime Equipment

We discussed playtimes equipment.  Most suggestions coming from suggestion boxes are asking for new equipment.  After last meeting, Mrs Raw had audited the equipment and identified some pieces of equipment that needed replacing.  We agreed that new equipment has been put to good use and most children are active at playtimes.  Children brought their ideas forward also.  Below were the children’s ideas:

Nerf balls and boomerangs – We discussed the implications of nerfs being thrown on busy breaktimes/dinnertimes.  Children agreed these would not be the best equipment. Soft footballs  - I explained how we have to use leather style balls when outside as soft, foam balls would get ruined outside.  SR will be ordering new footballs for playtime for each class for next year. Scoopers and balls – Children mentioned that there aren’t enough scoopers and balls or some don’t fit each other.  SR to order new sets for next year and speak to site supervisor about retrieving balls from the school roof.  Football nets - children said the nets on both yards had broken as the ‘net’ material part is damaged.  We discussed how we don’t need to the net for the goals to be used.  NB added that if we have the net, animals could get trapped in them also.  We agreed that the plastic goal was enough but that KS1 could do with a new set at some point in the future.

Suggestion Boxes

Separate girls football – It was suggested that only girls should be able to play on certain break times not just the boys.  SR explained that ALL children were able to join in the football currently when it was their year groups turn.  Children said they thought girls were not playing because there were too many boys on the pitch.  SR discussed the planned changes to break time football whereby we work in house teams daily for break times.  Children were excited by this and agreed it was a good idea.

KS1 tracksuits – It was suggested that year 1 and 2 get to come into school wearing a tracksuit like KS2.  SR discussed the curriculum in KS1 and how we are still learning to get dressed ands undressed in these year groups and having to change out of uniforms into PE kit supports this learning.  Also they will all get the opportunity to have the tracksuit when they are in Year 3.  Children agreed.

Skipping – Children suggested that we need to learn how to skip.  SR explained that we do this in PE lessons but that we could make arrangements for this for break times.  SR has ordered new skipping ropes for use in PE but a small proportion for these can be used for break times also.  SR to speak to welfare support to facilitate dinner time skipping.

Spring - 19th January 2024

Children brought suggestions from the class suggestion boxes.

Fun run on the running track - Someone has suggested that we organise a fun run day where all children in school work together to cover a set distance.  Council agreed this would be a lovely idea to help children push themselves to get fitter and have fun while doing it.  Raised the possibility that this could be sponsored to raise money.

More active in PE lessons - A child from Year 6 wrote a suggestion in the box that we should be more active during PE lessons.  I asked what units of work they were covering at the moment (dance and orienteering).  We talked about how both these units of work require very physical activities and as all PE lessons in school do.

Football club before school - As suggestion was made to organise a football club before school as some children are unable to attend after school due to other commitments.  We talked about how lucky we are at Sherwood that we have lots of members of staff that run different clubs and that sometimes, it is not possible to have clubs every day before and after school.  We discussed the process of picking children to represent Sherwood at sporting events and that ALL children are given the chance to be part of a team.  I ensured children that if there isn’t a Year ¾ club, that we will hold trials during lunch times and teachers will be asked about performance in PE lessons. 

Break time Equipment - We discussed playtimes equipment after last meeting. Mrs Raw had audited the equipment and identified some pieces of equipment that needed replacing.  Children brought their ideas forward also.  Below were the children’s ideas.  Nerf balls and boomerangs – We discussed the implications of nerfs being thrown on busy breaktimes/dinnertimes.  Children agreed these would not be the best equipment.  Soft footballs  - I explained how we have to use leather style balls when outside as soft, foam balls would get ruined outside.  SR will be ordering new footballs for playtime for each class.  Scoopers and balls – Children mentioned that there aren’t enough scoopers and balls or some don’t fit each other.  SR to order a new set.  Football nets – children said the nets on both yards had broken as the ‘net’ material part is damaged.  We discussed how we don’t need to the net for the goals to be used.  NB added that if we have the net, animals could get trapped in them also.  We agreed that the plastic goal was enough but that KS1 could do with a new set.  Foam dice for snakes and ladders games – Council agreed this was a good ideas and SR will buy some for the yards.  


Autumn - 16th November 2023

Welcome to Sports Council - As a group, we introduced ourselves ands what we see sport as at Sherwood.  The children articulated their feelings towards sport and how we deliver it at Sherwood.  The children sad they were happy with the range of enrichment we offer and said they enjoy PE lessons.  They enjoy the fact they can work towards representing Sherwood in sporting events. 

Suggestion Boxes

Children brought suggestions from the class suggestion boxes.

Basketball - Children would like a basketball club to run as enrichment.  SR described the sports calendar to the children and how enrichment supports this and other areas of the curriculum.  SR discussed how we could try to include this into the enrichment calendar in the future.  SR discussed how the equipment needs to reflect the sport they are playing and how the basketballs need to be pumped up ready.  School council can do this job if needs be. 

Football at breaks - We discussed the football timetable for break times and the reasons behind this, health and safety/fairness etc.  Two classes stated they did not have a football for their break.  SR to buy new footballs for these classes.

Swimming pool - A child suggested a swimming pool added to our school grounds.  We discussed the financial implications for this.  The children agreed this would not be the best use of sports funds. 

Gymnastics - A suggestion was made for gymnastics to be taught during wet play times.  SR explained how the hall is used for lunches and that this would not be possible in the classrooms due to health and safety.  SR discussed how in the summer months, we could take sessions of gymnastics on the field.  

Break time equipment - A suggestion was made about new break time equipment.   SR to audit the equipment we have and order new if needed.  We discussed how equipment needs to be looked after and that sports council should use their position to be role models and also take care of the equipment boxes. 

Running Track

We discussed the use of the running track on the field.  Children described it as a ‘place to walk around and talk to your friends’. We discussed how the running track should be used to practise running in order to improve stamina and fitness which can then be applied to playing all different sports.  The children suggested that at lunchtimes when year groups have their turn on the running track that we have a ‘two lane’ system. 

Left – walking/jogging      Right – overtaking lane     School councillors to make posters to advertise this around school so all children know.


Summer Term 1 2023

The Sports Council met on Friday 27th April.  We discussed lots of ideas from the class suggestion boxes.

Extra-curricular clubs – Most clubs start next week.  There is a wide range of activities available, before and after school.

Playtime equipment – Year 6 monitors check the equipment boxes after Year 4 & 6 play.  It was suggested that Year 5 and Year 2 monitors could check the boxes after their playtimes to ensure they are tidy.  Infants are enjoying playing football using the new goals on the playground.  An audit will be conducted to check we have enough balls and skipping ropes.  

Lunchtime play - Children are enjoying playing sports at lunchtime.  Netball and tennis are popular on the Junior playground.  Some children asked if football could be played at lunchtime.  We spoke about there not being enough room for football when everyone is outside.  The children enjoy sessions with Mr Johns.  Some children have asked for cricket bats to be available.  We discussed that this would be unsafe on the playground.  We may look at this when we can use the field for playtimes.

Sports events - We discussed the positive results that Sherwood teams have achieved recently.  The Sports Council are looking forward to Sports Days and helping out.  Next half term, all of Year 3 will attend an afternoon sporting fixture where all children with have the opportunity to compete against other schools.

Fund raising for sports kits – Some Council members have recently written letters and approached local businesses about sponsorship.  A request has also been made on the weekly school newsletter.  All the Council members have started to investigate the kits available through The Premier League Stars Programme.

Thank you - The Sports Council wanted to say thank you for all sporting opportunities available at Sherwood.


Spring Term 2 2023

The Sports Council met on Friday 3rd March.  We discussed more ideas from the suggestion box.

Playtime equipment - The new equipment for playtime is very popular with the children.  The equipment boxes are sometimes untidy at the end of play.  Sports Council members can tidy during sessions and year 6 monitors will be reminded. 

After school cricket - A number of children asked about a cricket club.  This will be offered in the summer term.

Lunchtime play - Children are enjoying playing sports in set areas as it makes it safer and easier to play competitive games.  The council discussed whether more sports for different zones could be set up.  This will be discussed with the lunchtime staff.  Mr Johns does play a range of sports on different days with all year groups.   Juniors asked if they are able to use the running track at lunch.  Can the children devise new games for the zones that are safe and fun?

Sports events - We discussed that we enter all possible sporting events.  This year there have been a number of new events that have allowed more children to take part.  The children greatly enjoy these opportunities. 

Fund raising - The older members of the council have been challenged to raise money by approaching local businesses.  The money would be used to buy new sports kit for the sports teams. 

Thank you - The Sports Council wanted to say thank you for all the new playtime equipment. 


Spring Term 2023

The Sports Council met on Friday 13th January.  We discussed ideas from the suggestion box:

Playtime equipment – There were lots of suggestions about more equipment needed for playtime.   We went outside and the children conducted an audit of the current equipment.  It was found that we have lots of bats but very few balls.  Children suggested soft balls to help keep everyone safe. During the audit, members also suggested that more skipping ropes were needed.  An order for more equipment will be made.

PE lessons – Children asked about the sports we do in PE.  Who chooses?  We discussed that the curriculum map ensures there is a range of sports in each year group.  Together we looked at the PE curriculum map and everyone agreed there is a large and varied range of sports.

Tag Rugby Tags – It was suggested that more tags and belts are needed.  An audit will be conducted by council members.

Lunchtime sport – Children asked if there could be more sport at lunchtime.  Mr Johns has started to provide sport sessions for Years 3 – 6 this term.  The sessions are very popular.

Tennis Club – Before tennis sessions for Year 5/6 and 3/4 are available this term. 

More after school clubs – We spoke about the huge range of clubs we already have.  Members were excited that new ones have started and different ones will be available in the summer term.

Fund Raising – There were suggestions to raise money for charity and sports kit by having a sponsored sports event.  This will be discussed with Mrs Lumb. We discussed future plans regarding the sponsorship of new sporting kits by local businesses. Begin to investigate.

Sports Teams – Children are enjoying representing the school.  We discussed that at Sherwood we enter every sporting event possible during the year.  Also, we enter as many teams as possible to ensure that as many children as possible take part. 

PNE – It was suggested that children could go to watch a football match at Preston.  Mr Hudson said he will speak with the community office to see if discounted tickets were available. 

Thank you – The Sports Council wanted to say another thank you to all staff for all the sport that takes place at Sherwood.


Autumn Term 2022

Our Sports Council met on Friday 18th November, for the first time this academic year.  Our representatives introduced themselves and discussed the ideas from the suggestion boxes.  We discussed several ideas:

Fundraising - Ideas were discussed to raise money for new Sherwood team sports kit.   The group suggested that money could also be given to charity. Ideas such as a mini-marathon, a sports quiz and a whole school triathlon were discussed.

Team participation - All the boys who attend football training had the opportunity to play in a match and really enjoyed it.  The same for the girls would be popular. Mr Hudson to discuss with Mr Johns and plan matches in the spring term.

Playtime equipment - We discussed having more goals on the playground.  The group suggested using ones from the field at playtime.  New footballs for each class will be made available. 

New clubs - Sports Council members asked about tennis for Years 5 & 6.  Mr Hudson will speak with our current provider about availability for the spring term.

World Cup Football - Some of the council asked about watching the Football World Cup in school time.  Most games will be played out of school hours but the early stage games are available to watch on catch up television. 

Thank you - The Sports Council wanted to say thank you to all staff for the great range of activities and clubs on offer at school.






Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Miss G Worthington | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email:

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson