Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Clarkson
Mrs Raw
Here you will find all the information you need and lots of photos of our activities - Year 3 is a thriving place to be so keep visiting the class page, including the gallery section.
The half termly newsletter will tell you what we are going to be learning about.
Our reading at home page gives you top tips on what to do at home.
Our homework page gives guidance on homework and the tasks for each week.
Our modelled videos page will have videos linked to your child's learning and will help support their learnign at home.
Don’t forget to get in touch at any time! Just because we are now Juniors doesn’t mean the child is too ‘grown up’ to have regular chats about progress and concerns. Just ask or email
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Mrs Clarkson and Mrs Raw
Year 3: News items
Outstanding in all areas!, by Mrs Lumb
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Parent Forum, by Miss Barrett
Calling all aspiring dancers!, by Mrs Lumb
Year 3: Gallery items
Capacity and Volume, by Mrs Raw
Dragon eggs, by Mrs Clarkson
Year 3’s Visit to Masjid-E-Salaam Mosque, by Mrs Hobson
Year 3: Calendar items
Rocksteady, by Miss Worthington
Year 3 and Year 5 PE, by Miss Worthington
Week 7 School Led Enrichment, by Miss Worthington