Reading Champions
Reading Champions Meeting Spring 1 2025
World Book Day 2025
We met recently to discuss ideas for World Book Day in March. Miss Terrell said that she had booked an author to work with all the children for Book Week, and that there is a trip planned for Year 4 related to classic texts. We discussed possible themes for World Book Day; Year 5 requested a Comics/Graphic Novel day and Miss Terrell said that this could be a possible theme for the week and that she would discuss this with Mrs Lumb. The champions are also keen to include competitions during Book Week. Suggestions included: House Team reading challenges; Book Bingo; and quizzes.
Book Drop 24/25
Miss Terrell and Mrs Sheppard would like some pupil feedback on this year's Book Drop. The champions suggested questions which could be included in a survey to ask pupils their views. The questions are going to be collated and included in a survey this term to gather feedback.
Reading Champions Meeting Autumn 1 2024
Our new Reading Champions meet for our first meeting. At the meeting, we talked about the role of the Reading Champion and how we can promote reading in our classes. Champions are going to ask their teachers for an area where they can display book recommendations. Miss Terrell suggested having a 'Book of the Month' that they share with the class and encourage their class to read. Could this be displayed in the class reading corner? Miss Terrell also shared that we have raised £908.24 from the recent book fair to spend on books for our class reading areas. The champions then explored books on the Scholastic website and created a 'Wish List' of books that they would like to be purchased; Miss Terrell is going to order books from the lists and when they are delivered to school, the Reading Champions will deliver them to classes.
Reading Champions Meeting Summer 1 24
At our recent meeting, we explored ideas for our outdoor reading area. We ventured outside to the BASE outdoor area, to see if the shed that is currently used to store equipment, could be transformed into a reading space. We decided that we would need to add doors, and paint the shed inside and out to create a peaceful reading space. Miss Terrell said that she would talk to Mrs Lumb to see if this could be possible. The children are going to come up with some ideas for names and themes for the outdoor reading space for our next meeting. The children also suggested that we could create opportunities for reading outside on the field if it is dry, by creating a reading zone.
Ideas from the suggestions boxes:
There were many suggestions for new books for classrooms, inspired by the current class novels e.g. different versions of Peter Pan; Paddington books and Chilly Billy. Miss Terrell said that she would create a wish list of books for when we receive commission from our book fair in October.
A writer and illustrator club was suggested - Miss Terrell said that she would explore this idea for the Autumn Term.
Reading Champions Meeting Spring 2 24
We met to discuss events for Book Week, Poetry March and World Book Day. Each of the champions is going to promote each of these back in class - poetry suggestions to be put into golden envelopes with a poem being shared each day of March in class. We also organised World Book Day assemblies for KS1 and KS2.
Reading Champions Meeting Spring 1 24
Ideas from the suggestion boxes:
There were more requests for graphic novels, including on the Reading Pathways. The graphic novel section in the libraray is very popular. Miss Terrell said that there are some graphic novels on the Pathways but this would be explored further and that an audit had been done before Christmas to produce a list for the books that would need replacing.
An area to read outside was suggested. We discussed how we could do this and decided that a Reading Shed would be a great idea. Miss Terrell said that she would talk to Mrs Lumb about this. We discussed how we could ask the PTA for help in raising funds.
Some children would like to visit the local library, and a request for the school library to be open to children at lunchtime was made. Miss Terrell said that she would create a rota for year groups to visit the library at lunchtimes and explore possible visits to the local library.
Reading corners also need more stock.
Scholastic Book Fair Rewards
We have earned £680.33 in rewards from our Autumn book fair. The Reading Champions spent time shopping for books on the Scholastic website.Miss Terrell will place the final order and the books will be distributed to classes when they arrive.
Reading Champions Meeting Autumn 23
Ideas from the suggestions box:
Requests for more graphic novels as the children are enjoying these. Miss Terrell said that there is a new section in the library for graphic novels, and that she would check that the shelf is clearly labelled.
New Pathways books needed as some of the books are becoming a little tatty as they are well read - Miss Terrell said that some replacements were ordered at the end of the Summer term but some books may have been missed. An audit will be conducted at the end of the Autumn term so that more replacements can be bought.
Year 5 Author Event at Blackpool
The Year 5 Reading Champions shared their experiences of their trip to Blackpool to the author event. They said that they enjoyed it and would like to take part in more events and workshops with authors. Miss Terrell said that she would see which authors we might be able to get into school.
Reading Areas in Classrooms
We discussed how the books could be organised on the shelves to make it easier for children to make choices. Miss Terrell suggested having a 'Book of the Month' on display and we discussed how we can recommend books to each other and our classes.
Blue Peter Reading Badge
Miss Terrell set the Reading Champions the challenge of going for the Blue Peter Reading Badge.
Reading Champions Meeting Spring 23
The Reading Champions met to discuss the upcoming World Book Day in March. We shared ideas for dressing up and themes. Miss Terrell said that there would be a focus on poetry this year and a poet would be coming into school to deliver poetry workshops.
Reading Champions Meeting Summer 1 23
World Book Day and the Sherwood Poetry March - The children said that they enjoyed having the poet Andy Tooze in school - they said he inspired them to write poetry and stories. They enjoyed sharing a poem a day throughout the month of March and we discussed ideas for keeping the profile of poetry high in the school. Ideas included: poem of the week; including poetry in our wider curriculum e.g history topics. We discussed having a focus on reading in the Autumn term - Miss Terrell mentioned 'Non-fiction November'.
Reading Pathways - Miss Terrell asked those children on Pathways if they are confident in how to sign their books in and out in the folders. The Year 5 and 6 children said they were happy to do this on their own; they suggested that the younger children might need help doing this properly. They also suggested recording a video for children starting on Pathways, explaining how to sign books in and out. Miss Terrell also asked the children to record a video review of a Pathway book for the website - we discussed how this could be done during their Reading Workshop sessions.
Relaxing Reading Club - Some of the children suggested a club where they can relax with a book. Miss Terrell said that this could take place in the library possibly during lunchtimes. the children also liked the idea of having activities to do as well, such as making bookmarks, word searches and crosswords. We also discussed opening the library after school once-a-month for children and their parents to share library time together - Miss Terrell said that she would look into this for the Autumn Term. We also discussed the possibility of a Reading Festival in the Spring term next year.
Reading Champions Meeting Summer 2 23
Poetry Hunt - Continuing our focus on poetry, we had a walk around school to see if we could see poetry books in class reading areas and the library. We found some poetry books but these weren't always highly visible. However, we did spot lots of poetry books by our visiting author Andy Tooze and the Reading Pathways contain poetry titles. Miss Terrell said that she would ask teachers to do a class audit of poetry books, so that we can see what we have already in stock and then order some new poetry books to top up class book areas and the library ready for the next academic year. We also discussed buying baskets to put the poetry books in so that they are easier to find, and creating a shelf for poetry in the library.
Non-fiction on the Reading Pathways - There was a request for more non-fiction titles on the Reading Pathways. Miss Terrell explained that 2 non-fiction titles were added to each of the Pathways last year and that class libraries have been updated with more current non-fiction.
Reading Champions Meeting November 2022
The Reading Champions met to review matters arising from the Autumn term and to discuss ideas for new reading initiatives for the Spring Term from the class suggestion boxes.
Below is a summary of the discussion:
To watch the films of the books that we read in class - Miss Terrell said that this was a good suggestion as it would deepen children's understanding of the text and that classes could make comparisons between the book and film. Many classes already do this in KS2 as part of their English Unit. Reading Champions to check if this is happening in Foundation and KS1.
More mystery and horror fiction - we discussed how stock in the library has been recently replenished and updated. Year 6 Reading Champions to audit fiction titles to review if we need more mystery and horror. Miss Terrell pointed out that the Reading Pathways for KS2 children have a good balance of fiction genres and have recently been updated to include diversity.
To celebrate when a pupil begins their Reading Pathway journey - we discussed that this was a good idea but decided that it was more important to celebrate achievement when a Pathway has been completed - certificates are presented in the Headteacher's Award Assembly on Fridays.
More reading displays around school - Miss Terrell said that each classroom should have a reading area. We also discussed that there are key displays in the library which help children choose a book plus the ipads with book reviews and recommendations on. Reading Champions to complete a learning walk next time we meet to review reading areas and displays. These can then be promoted back in class.
A day full of reading - The Reading Champions agreed that we read a lot at Sherwood and that we share class novels and non-fiction texts on a daily basis. Miss Terrell said that we would have a week when it is World Book Day full of reading based activities. This year's focus is going to be poetry. Reading Champions to think of ideas and activities for our next meeting.
Audio books in the library - we thought that this was a great idea and discussed how this could be possible. Would audio CDs still be popular or could there be links to audio books on the ipads in the library? Reading Champions and MIss Terrell to explore further.