Carol Matthewson
As a long standing neighbour of Sherwood Primary School - in fact I moved into the area before the school was built, I was pleased to join the Governing Body in February 2018. Having had a career of 30+ years in the Higher Education Sector (at the University of Central Lancashire and the University of Liverpool), and previous experience of being a Governor at a high school, it is enjoyable now to be at Sherwood supporting the development of the youngest learners in our education system. It is especially fulfilling to be a part of the team that works hard to focus on every child and which encourages each of them to be the best they can be.
My roles on the Governing Body include being the Link Governor for English and English as an Additional Language. I am a member of the Curriculum and Committee and bring a wealth of expereince to our Staffing Committee. Via these roles I try hard to be the best I can be to help our young children along the journey to becoming awesome adults.