Best Practice Awards

At Sherwood, our ambition to develop a rich and balanced Curriculum and sustain best practice in every aspect of our provision, is reflected in the following Awards and Quality Marks awarded to our School.


Lancashire Equality Mark

At Sherwood, we are currently working towards The Lancashire Equality Mark. The Mark is awarded to schools who have taken measures to embed Equality throughout their practice with the goal of enabling all pupils to thrive in a supportive learning community. At Sherwood, we are committed to taking action and developing our work to further develop and consolidate good practice in different areas of Equality. To achieve the Mark, we are working towards a series of Badges that allow us to audit and take action in each of the Equality strands. To date we are pleased to share that we have achieved the Race Equality Badge and the Religion and Beleif Equality Badge.


Race Equality Badge - Awarded December 2023

Lancashire County Council have awarded the Race Equality Badge to Sherwood. The Badge acknowledges our committment to advancing equality of opportunity for all, fostering positive relationships and eliminating race discrimination at Sherwood.  


Religion and Beleif Equality Badge - Awarded January 2023

Lancashire County Council have awarded the Religion and Beleif Equality Badge to Sherwood. The Badge acknowledges our committment to ensuring that all members of our community feel welcome, celebrated and in a position to learn from each-other. This is a real strength of our diverse School community. 


Silver ArtsMark

We are delighted to be awarded with the Silver Artsmark Award. The award acknowledges our committment to arts and culture as a platform for our pupils learning and through this engagement, there is evidence of tangible results on pupils and staff. The arts feature in the school improvement plan and are supported by SLT and governors. At Sherwood, our pupils access an established range of experiences with local artists and arts organisations in and out of school which leads to showcasing within school and the immediate community. Well done everyone!


Primary Science Quality Mark

PSQM is a programme of self-evaluation, framed by 13 criteria covering primary school science leadership, teaching, learning and enrichment, against which science subject leaders audit current practice and develop and implement a whole school improvement plan. We are delighted to be awarded with the Primary Science Quality Mark, reflecting our commitment developing our School leaders and achieiving a high quality Science Curriculum at Sherwood.


Step Outside Quality Mark

Outdoor learning is a key feature of the Curriculum at Sherwood. Our Forest School provision starts when pupils enter our EYFS Unit and skills are developed across KS1 and KS2. Our commitment to outdoor learning and the development of links across the Curriuclum has been awarded the Step Outside Quality Mark in our EYFS Unit.


School Sports Platinum Award

Sherwood has been awarded the School Games PLATINUM Award for our PE and Sport provision alongside our commitment to the development of competition across our school and into the community. Sherwood children are highly engaged in sport and achieve highly at competitions and tournaments. Our pupils are involved in leadership activities and we have local links with clubs and other establishments in the local area. 


Learning Excellence Award

We are proud of our bespoke Curriuclum at Sherwood and have worked in collaboration with three other Lancashire Primary Schools to support the development of Subject Leadership and Curriculum self evaluation. Our collaborative and creative practice was awarded a Learning Excellence Award and other Schools are welcome to contact us for further information.


Learning Excellence Award

We believe our Foundation Unit provides the children with a rich, stimulating, exciting and varied environment where they can experience fully all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage - thus giving all the children the best possible start to their school life and giving a true foundation to their learning.

Our innovative practice was awarded a Learning Excellence Award and teachers from other schools are welcome to contact us for further information.


Rights Respecting Schools Award

Sherwood Primary aims to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.  As part of this plan we are working towards recognition as a ‘Rights Respecting School’, an award given to schools on behalf of Unicef UK.  

Sherwood pupils will learn about their rights by putting them into practice every day. A Rights Respecting School models rights and respect in all its relationships.

For further information about Rights Respecting Schools please visit:

Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Miss G Worthington | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email:

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson