Online Safety

Pupils at Sherwood Primary School have access to a range of technology and online materials that enrich and extend teaching and learning opportunities. The benefits to teaching and learning are many and varied. Pupils will be given clear objectives for Internet use and will access material under guidance from their class teacher. Teachers and support staff will supervise pupils and take all reasonable precautions to ensure that users only access material appropriate to their learning. 

As a School, we carefully consider the risks presented to our children and categorise these risks under the 4Cs:

  • Conduct
  • Contact
  • Content
  • Commerce

Our risk assessment outlines a number of key actions that reduce the risk of harm to our children.This risk assessment is reviewed annually by:

  • Online Safety Leader/Deputy DSL: Mrs J Lumb
  • Designated Safeguarding Leader: Mrs N Hanson
  • Nominated Governor for Safeguarding: Mrs H Gooch
  • Nominated Governor for Online Safety: Mr L Capper
  • Technical representative from MCC Digital (Apple Specialist)
  • Technical representative from CompTech (IT Support)

Education at Sherwood

Sherwood pupils are taught to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private. Pupils are taught to identify where to go for help and support, and when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. Pupils working online are supported and closely monitored in class by teachers and support staff. We utilise tools within Apple Classroom to ensure that children are only accessing appropriate content while using a school device. In addition to this, reports are generated daily and reviewed by our Online Safety Leader (Mrs J Lumb). Action is taken immediately to address any concerns that arise (in line with our Behaviour, Anti-Bullying, Equalities, Safeguarding or PREVENT policies and procedures). Any action that arises from this is reported to the Governing Body.

Filtering and Monitoring

Shewood Primary School uses Netsweeper by SchoolsBroadband to filter inappropriate content from users in school. We also monitor online activity of staff, children and visitors to Sherwood Primary School. Any concerns that arise are reported immediately to a Designated Safeguarding Leader.

Working with our families

We believe in working closely with our parents to support pupils in developing safe practice when using online technology and therefore provide regular updates through our newsletter and parent workshops. The most recent guidance available to families is available below.

We also regularly signpost our Parents and Carers to links and guidance provided by The National Crime Agency (CEOP) Think you know. Please click here to visit the CEOP website.

Files to Download

Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Miss G Worthington | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email:

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson