Our Staff
We are very proud of our hard working staff - a team that works closely together to realise our vision for every pupil.
At Sherwood, all Teaching and Support Staff benefit from high quality professional development opportunities. These opportunities support professional growth, linking closely to our School Improvement Plan and individual professional starting points. Our professional development opportunities include internal training, statutory training and access to external training, including access to National Professional Qualifications. These opportunities support professional growth and leadership development for all staff, improving outcomes for all our children.
Headteacher: Mrs J Lumb
Deputy Head: Miss S Barrett
Foundation Stage Teachers: Mrs N Hanson and Mrs B Stamp
Foundation Stage Teaching Assistants: Mrs P Hall, Mrs S Tagari, Mrs S Patel, Miss T Fisher and Mrs H Valli
Year 1 Teachers: Mrs S Lovejoy and Miss M McCaw
Year 1 Teaching Assistants: Mrs N Bradley (Maternity Leave), Mrs S Hussain, Mrs D Davis and Mrs A Roberts
Year 2 Teachers: Mrs K Hobson and Miss A Hough
Year 2 Teaching Assistants: Mrs R Latif and Miss E Darley
Year 3 Teachers: Mrs K Clarkson and Mrs S Raw
Year 3 Teaching Assistants: Miss A Carthy and Miss J Carerra
Year 4 Teachers: Miss Terrell and Mr J Billington
Year 4 Teaching Assistants: Mrs N Rowland and Ms K Pike
Year 5 Teachers: Mrs M Holt, Mr M Stanton and Miss S Barrett
Year 5 Teaching Assistants: Mrs H Cooksley and Mrs A Bunker
Year 6 Teachers: Mr S Hudson and Mrs K Sheppard
Year 6 Teaching Assistants: Mrs S Iddon, Mrs N Bux and Mrs H Millar
Teachers to deliver release from Class: Miss L Gaunt and Mrs M Brown
Learning Mentor: Miss E Thorpe
School Business Manager: Mr S Quirk
School Business Support Officer: Miss G Worthington
Welfare Supervisor: Ms K Pike
Welfare Assistants: Mrs N Bux, Mrs S Lancaster, Mrs R Mula, Mrs A Bunker, Mrs N Bradley, Mrs R Joyner, Miss A Carthy, Mrs S Patel, Miss J Carrera, Miss E Darley, Miss T Fisher, Mrs S Hussain and Miss S Williams
Site Supervision and Cleaning Team: Ms K Pike, Miss D McDougall, Mr J Humphrey, Miss S Snape and Mr G O'Brien