Pupil Premium

Miss Barrett is our Curriculum Lead for Pupil Premium Provision. If you have any questions around Pupil Premium, or would like to discuss Pupil Premium support, please email: deputy@sherwood.lancs.sch.uk

Holiday and Food Programme

Children in receipt of Pupil Premium are entitled to attend a range of local activities as part of the Holiday and Food Programme. These run during the school holidays and are free of charge. If you are interested in your child attending, please click here

The Sherwood Offer from September 2024

Pupil Premium entitlements include:

  • Careful consideration of children’s individual needs in order to enhance personalised provision
  • All extra-curricular clubs with a charge attached to them (usually delivered by  specialist providers) are offered with at a 50% reduction
  • All educational visits, including residential visits to Tower Wood and Plas Menai, are offered at a 50% reduction
  • All specialist music tuition is offered at a 50% reduction
  • A £25 uniform voucher on admission to school, for purchases through our uniform supplier 
  • One KS2 Sherwood PE tracksuit free of charge

As a School, our families circumstances are carefully considered and where appropriate a free or discounted place in BASE (Before and After SChool Enrichment) may be provided. 

What is Pupil Premium?

Publicly-funded schools in England receive extra funding from the government to help improve the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils. Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds may face extra challenges in reaching their potential at school.

The pupil premium grant is designed to allow schools to help disadvantaged pupils by improving their progress. Schools receive pupil premium funding based on the number of pupils they have in January each year from the following groups:

Free School Meals (registered now or within the last 6 years)

Looked-after and previously looked-after children

Service families

If you think you may be eligible for Pupil Premium, please go to Lancashire Free School Meals  for more information and to apply online. 

Pupil Premium at Sherwood

At Sherwood Primary School there is a school-wide commitment to raising achievement for ALL pupils, and a key objective for the use of the Pupil Premium grant is to close the gap between pupil groups. Our approaches in school fall under at least one of the following headings:

High Quality Teaching

- including professional development, mentoring and coaching, the use of Technology

Targeted Academic Support

- including additional Support Staff, interventions, resources and tutoring.

Wider Strategies

- including Learning Mentor intervention for Social and Emotianal need, financial support for wider  enrichment, additional extra-curricular opportunities, trips and visits  

Please read our policy for futher details around how the Pupil Premium Grant is used in our school. 

We welcome the views of our parents/carers and children. Please click here to read the feedback recieved from our families in Spring Term 2023.


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Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Miss G Worthington | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email: admin@sherwood.lancs.sch.uk

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson
Email: k.hobson@sherwood.lancs.sch.uk