Our Gallery
We love to learn!, by Miss McCaw
Glockenspiel action!, by Mrs Holt
5-6 Gymnastics, by Mrs Raw
The Battle of Preston, by Mrs Raw
Using natural forms to influence imaginative drawings, by Mr Stanton
Preston back in time, by Mrs Raw
6KS Bikeability Day 2, by Mr Hudson
6KS Bikeability Day 1, by Mr Hudson
6SH Bikeability Day 2, by Mr Hudson
6SH Bikeability Day 1, by Mr Hudson
Democracy in Year 2, by Miss Hough
Light, by Mrs Clarkson
Perimeter, by Mrs Clarkson
Good Vibrations -, by Mr Billington
Marvellous Musicians, by Mr Hudson
EYFS Out on their bikes and trikes, by Mrs Hanson
Year 1 continuous provision learning, by Miss McCaw
Gymnastics, by Mr Stanton
Year 2 Gymnastics, by Miss Hough
Year 4 Schools’ Singing Programme, by Miss Terrell
Learning about algorithms, by Mrs Hobson
Highways and Byways - Paul Klee, by Mrs Raw
Target practise, by Mrs Clarkson
Borwick, by Mrs Clarkson
Year 4 Loch Ness Monster Research, by Miss Terrell