Sherwood celebrates cycling with a few special guests!
This week, we have marked Cycle to School week by delivering the Bikeability Programme in Y6. Our children have successfully completed their Level 1 and Level 2 Bikeability Training on site and out on the roads around school. Thank you to the wonderful team at Go Velo for delivering the programme with such a caring and understanding approach to every child's needs.
Today we welcomed a number of very special guests to Sherwood to celebrate the children's learning through Bikeability and promote safer cycling routes for all. Secretary of State for Transport, Louise Haigh, joined our children on her bike alongside representatives from The Bikeability Trust, Department for Transport, Lancashire County Council Highways and our MP Maya Ellis.
Thank you to Emily Cherry from The Bikeability Trust for presenting the children's badges.
We were also delighted to be joined by Chris Boardman, former Olympian and Active Travel Commissioner. The children spoke with such confidence to Louise Haigh and Chris Boardman about their own cycling experiences, with every child stating that they'd love to cycle to school more often.
Thank you also to Chris, who spoke to our children about how to make a difference by speaking out with such passion - a perfect link to our week of Democracy!
Thank you to Year 6!