Parent Update

Friday 7th March 2025




Dear Sherwood Parents and Carers,

We have been informed that from the 22nd March, the two car parks next to the Sherwood Pub will close for resurfacing for two weeks. 

We therefore need to carefully consider drop off and collection arrangements for our families during this time, to ensure that you can park in a safe manner, children are safe and our local residents are considered.

Drop off and collection arrangements for two weeks w/b 24th March 2025:

Group 1 Drop off 8.30am (doors open for 5 mins) Collection 3pm - 5 minutes collection window. 

Group 2 Drop off 8.45am (doors open for 5 mins) Collection 3.15pm - 5 minutes collection window. 

Group 3 Drop off 9.00am (doors open for 5 mins) Collection 3.30pm - 5 minutes collection window. 

Doors will close and gates locked at 9.05am. 

Our one-way system will not operate around the grounds during this time - our footfall will be reduced and this will support you to get back to your car quickly to clear spaces on residential streets for other families. It is vitally important please that you park safely and consider residents and pedestrians at all times.

We also encourage you to consider walking and car sharing with other families where possible.

The Staff Car-park is for use only by staff and parents using BASE provision.

Our one-way system and allocated drop off and collection times will return to normal on Tuesday 22nd April 2025.

A parking eye has also been installed on the car park, currently without an eye in operation. There is a 30-minute window of time to utilise both car-parks for school drop-off and collection. The new parking eye is not currently operational and I have had assurance from The Sherwood, that it is in a two week trial period. Once the payment console has been installed, charges will come into force.

Thank you in advance for your support and for making the necessary arrangements to ensure that our children stay safe during this two week period.

Mrs J Lumb




Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Miss G Worthington | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email:

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson