Book Drop 2024
Welcome to our Book Drop 2024!
The Author
Joyce Dunbar is a brilliant author, who has written some wonderful title such as Grumpy Duck, The Mouse and Mole series and Is It Really Nearly Christmas? She has published more than 100 books in her career. She is best known for her lively and quirky picture books stories, with their wide emotional range. Please visit the following website for more facts about the author: Joyce Dunbar – Author – My WordPress Blog
Discussion Points
As you enjoy your new book, take time to discuss what you have read. Each week, ideas for what to discuss will be added to the file below. These are for you to share with with an adult at home, so that they can enjoy the book with you!
Book Drop Bingo!
Why not take part in 'Book Drop Bingo'? A series of optional tasks that you can complete to enter into our Year 2 Book Drop Draw. Tick a task on the card when you have completed it. You can complete a task in your Homework book or use Seesaw to upload or create it (just remember to save it to your Book Drop folder). To enter the draw, bring your completed card to school and post it in the prize draw box by Friday 13th December.