Book Drop 2024

Welcome to our Book Drop 2024!


About the Author:


Katya Balen is a British author of children's literature. Her works include The Space We're In, The Light in Everything, and The Thames and Tide Club. Her 2020 novel October, October won the 2022 Carnegie Medal. To find out more about the author click here

Discussion Points:

As you read your book, take time to reflect on what your have read and share this with your family. Each week, we will add points to discuss, and questions to think about and share together to the Discussion Guide (see files below). 

Book Drop Bingo:

To explore the book further, why not take part in 'Book Drop Bingo'? A series of optional creative tasks that you can complete to enter into our Year 4 Book Drop Draw. Print off the Bingo card below and tick a task when you have completed it. You can complete a task in your Homework book or use Seesaw to upoad or create it (just remember to save it to your Book Drop folder). To enter the draw, bring your completed card to school and post it in the prize draw box by Friday 13th December. 

Files to Download

Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Miss G Worthington | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email:

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson