Year 6 Homework

The expectation is that Year 6 children will spend approximately 30 minutes per night on homework. Homework will be set every Friday via the website (please see below), to be handed in the following Wednesday as directed either through SeeSaw or physically brought into school; please encourage your child to organise their time effectively. Homework activities will reflect current topics and learning in the year group - please look in the Homework book and diary to check their progress. Weekly homework may include: daily reading; spelling, punctuation or grammar; Maths activities; activities related to our current topic.

Our aim in Year 6 is to teach the children to develop a range of personal strategies for learning spellings, and for checking and proofreading spellings in their own writing. Spelling activities will be set on a regular basis as an extension of the work completed in school, and will involve exploring a particular spelling rule or pattern, rather than learning a list of words each week. The children will complete spelling tests in school to assess their understanding.

In Year 6, we endeavour to help children become more independent in the use of their homework diaries, and to take responsibility for ensuring they are filled in. Diaries will be collected in and signed on a Friday.

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Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Miss G Worthington | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email:

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson