Year 3: Gallery

Capacity and Volume, by Mrs Raw

Dragon eggs, by Mrs Clarkson

The make up of soil, by Mrs Raw

Stone Age Houses, by Mrs Raw

3D Paper art, by Mrs Clarkson

Book Drop 2024-25, by Mrs Lumb

Let’s Go Sing, by Mrs Raw

Fossils, by Mrs Clarkson

Dragon eyes!, by Mrs Clarkson

We are Vloggers, by Mrs Clarkson

Rocks, soil and fossils, by Mrs Clarkson

Compass work, by Mrs Clarkson

Testing magnet strength, by Mrs Clarkson

3D shapes, by Mrs Clarkson

What’s in a second?, by Mrs Raw

Persuasive techniques, by Mrs Clarkson

Magnetic or not magnetic?, by Mrs Clarkson

Sharing and grouping, by Mrs Clarkson

Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Miss G Worthington | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email:

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson