Year 6: Gallery
Fire and Road Safety Talk - Y6, by Mrs Sheppard
Year 6 Pupil led assembly, by Mrs Sheppard
6KS Eco challenge book review, by Mrs Sheppard
Isaac Mabaya returns to Sherwood, by Mrs Raw
Plas Menai final day, by Mr Stanton
Plas Menai Day 4, by Mr Stanton
Plas Menai day 3, by Mr Stanton
Plas Menai Day 2, by Mr Stanton
Plas Menai Day 1, by Mr Stanton
Preston Sports Festival, by Mrs Lovejoy
Cricket Champions, by Mr Billington
Year 6 Hundertwasser inspired artwork, by Mrs Sheppard
PNE Penalties, by Mrs Raw
Shakespeare Week at Gawthorpe Hall, by Miss Terrell
Come Dine with Me!, by Mrs Sheppard
Year 6 R.E. Visitor, by Mrs Sheppard
Preston Dance Festival, by Mrs Lumb
Year 6 Magistrates Court, by Mrs Sheppard
World Book Day at Sherwood, by Miss Terrell
Edith Rigby Visits Year 6, by Miss Terrell
Girls, by Mr Hudson
UCLAN Author Event, by Miss Terrell
Our Classroom Displays, by Mrs Lumb
New Age Kurling Competition, by Mr Hudson
Year 5 and 6 Christmas Party, by Mrs Sheppard