Year 6: Gallery

Orienteering, by Mr Hudson

World Book Day Year 6, by Mrs Sheppard

Newspaper Club - journalists, by Mrs Sheppard

Edith Rigby visits Year 6, by Mrs Sheppard

Safer Internet Day 2025, by Mr Hudson

Stay Safe Speak Out, by Mrs Sheppard

Learning about Hajj, by Mr Hudson

Book Drop 2024-25, by Mrs Lumb

Recreating the Internet, by Mrs Sheppard

Year 6 in court!, by Mrs Sheppard

A Great Start, by Mr Hudson

Christmas in Year 6, by Mr Hudson

Santa comes to Sherwood!, by Mrs Sheppard

Ferris Wheels, by Mr Hudson

Fairground rides, by Mrs Sheppard

Indoor Athletics, by Mr Hudson

The Wizard of Oz, by Mr Hudson

Gymnastics and dance, by Mrs Sheppard

Year 5-6 football, by Mrs Raw

Electricity, by Mr Hudson

Survival in Year 6!, by Mr Hudson

Bird Beak Buffet!, by Mrs Sheppard

Book Drop 2024!, by Mrs Sheppard

Drama to support our writing, by Mrs Sheppard

Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Miss G Worthington | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email:

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson