Our Gallery

Y2 History, by Miss Hough

Magnets in Year 3, by Mrs Raw

The Digestive System, by Mr Billington

Y6 Preston Athletics event, by Mrs Sheppard

Creating video shots, by Mrs Raw

Forest School with EYFS, by Mrs Hanson

Yr 3 Drawing, by Mrs Clarkson

Year 2 D.T. Days, by Mrs Hobson

Your fraction is..., by Mrs Holt

Super Tsunami Homework, by Miss Terrell

Interfaith Week 2022, by Mrs Stamp

Year 2, by Mrs Hobson

Triathlon, by Mr Hudson

A Good Friend, by Mr Hudson

Year 3 Outdoor Day, by Mrs Raw

Year 1 English and maths, by Miss McCaw

Abracadabra Day in EYFS, by Mrs Hanson

Let, by Mrs Raw

Toys and Forces, by Mrs Raw

The Lion King, by Miss Terrell

Contact Us

Sherwood Primary School, Sherwood Way, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9GA

Miss G Worthington | Tel: 01772 719093 | Email: admin@sherwood.lancs.sch.uk

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Enquiries | Mrs K Hobson
Email: k.hobson@sherwood.lancs.sch.uk