Year 5: Gallery
Sketching in the style of Alberto Giacometti, by Mrs Holt
Cricket Champions, by Mr Billington
PE with Team Theme, by Mr Stanton
Year 5 Outdoor learning, by Mr Stanton
Tower Wood Day 4, by Mr Stanton
Tower Wood Day 3, by Mr Stanton
Year 5 arrive at Tower Wood, by Mr Stanton
Chess Club, by Mrs Holt
Preston Dance Festival, by Mrs Lumb
Using a Viewfinder to Record Natural Lines and Patterns, by Mrs Brown
World Book Day at Sherwood, by Miss Terrell
Girls, by Mr Hudson
UCLAN Author Event, by Miss Terrell
Space Science!, by Mrs Holt
Our Classroom Displays, by Mrs Lumb
New Age Kurling Competition, by Mr Hudson
Year 5 and 6 Christmas Party, by Mrs Sheppard
Fear the Viking invaders, by Mr Stanton
Your fraction is..., by Mrs Holt
Interfaith Week 2022, by Mrs Stamp
Year 5 Music, by Mr Stanton
Semaphore!, by Mrs Holt
Our visit from artist Angie Thompson, by Mrs Holt